Friday, March 13, 2015


If one were to choose between fortune and knowledge, the decision for the wise would be easy. Thus, it comes as no surprise that more people are investing their savings on continuing education. Learning a new language is not only a personal investment; it is an enhancement that can boost one's confidence and ability to socialize, inter-relate and make new friends for personal advancement.

Undeniably, English is considered as the most influential international language that is currently used for business and educational purposes. Its universal appeal is due to its simplicity, clarity and popularity of usage among the international community. Definitely, learning English should be your second priority after pursuing an educational degree.

Acquiring English skills opens new opportunities such as the ability to engage in advanced studies or to further business ties with international contacts. The ultimate reward for learning English is the enabling of oneself to become more marketable to a greater part of the global population. 

Frequent usage of English communication is evidently being practiced in daily life, whether in the form of listening to downloaded English songs, reading an English bestseller digital e-book or tuning into the latest digital newscast on cable/internet television. The entire world revolves around the usage of the English language as the global means of communication.

I was fortunate to be born into a family that speaks English as our primary language at home. Then the educational institutions I had studied with, only taught primary, intermediate and advanced courses in English. So it only seemed natural for me to speak and write English in the right manner as it was taught to us by our English professors; to whom I shall forever be grateful for.

Though it may seem to some that learning English is a luxury that one can avail of after the pursuit of more important courses, it is my opinion that learning English is as basic as the right to education that should be accorded to every individual. The right to effectively communicate in English ultimately decides the course of one's path in life and the opportunities it makes available.

If I had my way with state-instituted educational reforms, I would move for the mandatory integration of teaching English as the medium of communication; to eventually become part of the basic educational curriculum of every individual. The right of communication, as well as the freedom of self-expression are basic rights of every citizen as well as the inherent right to acquire state-provided quality education.

Thus, my conclusion for this post is clear: "Learning English communication is not only the best personal investment one can make. It is a fundamental right that you owe to yourself, one that should be prioritized together with acquiring a good education". In today's connected world, English is a basic necessity, more than a luxury. It is your entitlement, more than a privilege. 

The wise would do well to study, learn, master and practice the art of English communication. The entire world could benefit greatly from effective English communication as it promotes greater harmony and better understanding of our diverse cultures in this globally connected society. 

Trainer Elmak
Skype: TrainerElmak

Thursday, March 12, 2015


The internet has made it possible for everyone to be globally connected at anytime, from anywhere. With sophisticated video communications software such as Skype that integrate video phone calling and chat messaging functions, the world has become a unified space where everyone can now socialize, interact, teach and learn from each other.

Never has technological improvements come so far that it has drastically changed the way we interact and relate to each other. This is so true for online learning activities such as ESL (English Secondary Language) studies made possible and financially viable for everyone.

Because of advancements in technology and methodology, students now are given a wide range of cost flexible ways of learning a new skill. Continuing education, and/or the process of learning a new language has become a vital and necessary tool for anyone who wishes to further his/her chances of self-improvement and enhancing marketability to acquire that much coveted career or job. 

The global workplace is so inter-connected and immediately accessible that it has become fiercely competitive in its recruitment of the necessary workforce to fulfill corporate objectives. Thus, it is not surprising that more people are now investing in learning new oral and written communication skills with the aim of furthering one's development to gain a competitive edge over others in terms of being more qualified and employable for the job requirement.

There has never been a better time to learn and update one's English skills than today. If one is familiar with the use of Facebook and Skype, then he/she is ready to get into the online English learning study activity that has become more personalized and geared toward's the individual's specific abilities.

If you are a beginner trying to learn the basics of the English language, it would be better for you to enroll in online ESL schools that provide 25 minutes or 50 minutes teaching sessions with standby teachers who are open and ready to book new students for opened and active (class) slots. These are professional teachers who are usually native or expert English speakers who can help you with learning the basics of pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, and sentence construction. 

These online classes are conducted via Skype and are complemented with the aid of online teaching materials provided by the ESL schools on a per booking basis. Depending on the level of the lessons subscribed, these lesson modules are dispensed to students and teachers and serve as a guide towards the proper and scientific way of learning English, the fast and efficient way.

In order to gauge one's performance on the conducted lessons, a teacher's evaluation or assessment of student performance is then filed in the form of a required lesson memo which can serve as a reference for the student's areas of improvement based on the transpired study session.

ESL schools likewise are a good place to get to know, search and find the best tutor/teacher match that is most effective for the student's ability to learn. In a way, subscribing to different teachers is like a random search to find the most compatible optimum match based on one's experience with various teachers.

For the advanced-level student and those just needing an English practice talk partner, one can also opt to subscribe and book to his/her chosen favorite teacher who can help develop the much needed language skills in a more conducive platform of familiarity and respect for both.

Either option is an interesting experience for teacher and student, as both, relate, interact, and study/learn from each other. When the right match is found, it is best to continue subscribing to that particular teacher so that there is familiarity and continuity of learning content for the student.

There is a wise saying that applies even to learning a new skill, "If you don't use it, you lose it." So if you are bothered by the fact that you don't have an English talk partner who can help you practice your newly acquired English language skills, worry no more. There are a lot of friendly, accommodating online ESL teachers who are more than willing to help you out with your practice sessions on a per booking basis. You can even hire them as your semi-permanent personal assistants to do other related jobs for you such as proof-reading, letter writing, e-mailing, web-related content writing, including book editing.

If you have been postponing your much delayed plans of learning English, go ahead and take the plunge. Book a teacher now from any of the professional ESL online schools and experience a more personalized and specialized way of learning English.

As with any learning endeavor, EXPERIENCE is the best teacher. And of all the assets that one actively pursues, education is the only personal asset that is acquired once and which can never be taken away from during one's lifetime.

Trainer Elmak
Skype: TrainerElmak